Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Greening the Greeners

Catholic priests continue to demonstrate how easy it is to tell the masses to do one thing (the "right" thing), but continue to do the wrong thing themselves. Conservationists are just as bad. While there may be some conservationists who are committing improper sex acts similar to Catholic priests, that's not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about the hypocrisy of conservationists telling the world -- businesses, governments, and the public -- that they all need to become "green" in their operations and lifestyles, yet at the same time conservation organizations, agencies, academic institutions, and the individuals who work for them are some of the least green people on the planet! They (we) need to start the green movement from the inside out. Make sure everything we do as organizations, agencies, academic institutions, and individuals is as eco-friendly as possible. That means insulating our homes and businesses, turning down thermostats and water heaters, junking all of our gas guzzling vehicles for alternative-fueled vehicles, taking public transport whenever possible/necessary, decreasing our traveling, stopping in-person meetings.. and on, and on. We shouldn't cast stones until we get our own glass house in order.

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