Monday, November 1, 2010


A business person leading a conservation organization is like having a man as your gynecologist. There are probably some very good male gynecologists. But if you want the very best, you should find a woman. After all, women (excluding those who have had sex changes) have been dealing with their female anatomies their entire lives – it’s innate. Women know things about women that men will never know, be able to learn, or be able to understand. Female gynecologists begin their medical training with 20+ years of full-time experience. Male gynecologists, regardless of their rationale for ever wanting to be gynecologists in the first place (I’m sure some must have legitimate reasons), start their medical training 20+ years behind their female counterparts. MBA conservation leaders are similar. 

For conservationists who spent their childhoods fishing, camping, hunting, canoeing, hiking, cross-country skiing and otherwise absorbing nature every chance they got, nature is in their very soul – it’s innate. For most of these people, there was never any doubt what they would do in their adult professional lives. They would never have dreamed of doing anything other than some form of conservation. These are the female gynecologists of the conservation world. These are the people we want to be our leaders. Conservation is their life. It’s in their nature. It's their passion. Their decisions and actions will be profoundly different than the MBA who gets bored with making money in banking and the stock market… the decisions of conservationists at-birth will be better. These are the people we want operating on biodiversity.

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